Adventures & Vendettas

About the Author

Welcome to the website of Ian Mutch – travel writer and one of the founders and president of MAG (Motorcycle Action Group), as well as editor of their bi-monthly magazine.

Likes – travel, m’cycle & bicycle, ships and trains, bit iffy about aircraft but happy to try a balloon; food, religious fanatics, girls in headbands.

Hates – atheism, political correctness, litter, cycle helmets, horseradish sauce and people who eat fried eggs without toast.

I was born in London in 1952, and bought my first motorcycle (a 500cc BSA sidecar outfit) in 1969. In 1971, I joined the merchant navy as a navigation officer cadet in the employ of the British India Steam Navigation Company. I eventually graduated to Second Officer. I have no sense of direction.

During 1973 as a response to the filthy, stinking, unjust, irrational and unnecessary helmet law, which stinks, I helped found the Motorcycle Action Group (MAG) and now publish Open Road Magazine on its behalf. Leaving the sea in 1983 I pursued a career in journalism helping to launch the biker lifestyle title Back St Heroes, while dispatch riding in the capital.

Returning from an overland motorcycle trip to Israel with Wendy ‘The Beast’ Plumtree I gained full time employment working on Back St Heroes and the new Harley-Davidson title, Heavy Duty. It was after failing in both projects that I gained employment working for The Harley-Davidson Owners Group touring Europe and photographing motorcycling’s beautiful people before taking up full time employment with MAG, a source of intellectual stimulation, challenge and great joy.

A former Londoner I now live in Glastonbury with Jack Moses Smiley, a Patterdale Terrier who issues the permits for all animals, people and vehicles in the neighbourhood. Permits issued since 2013 – nil.


An adventure is an enterprise, the outcome of which is uncertain. So reads a text over the Adventure centre in Queenstown NZ . One can experience adventure by going to challenging places and pitting your wits, resourcefulness and meticulous preparation against the environment OR you can go somewhere less challenging but with poor preparation, inadequate equipment and inappropriate transport and find yourself in just as much of an adventure. I am a master of the latter. If you’re looking for sage advice from the voice of experience go elsewhere.

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The vendetta does not always have to be spiteful. The vendetta is a noble art form and does not necessarily need to destroy its author in a vat of bitter and humourless vindictevess, moreover it can provide great opportunities for the excercise of mirth. There are those, who when hearing of the efforts of another who is keen to right a wrong and seek apology will say, “Give it up – time to move on mate.” I say, “A pox on your advice, put your neck in a mangle and turn the handles violently.”

Coming soon